Roman Law

Constantinopla is taken, the Roman empire falls and this phase passes. the man continues its ticket. Justiniano codifies the Roman law, Maom is born, the Mayans is dominated, appears the first harnesses and the wagons pass to be pulled by horses. In the East, powder is manufactured and the Chinese register the death of a star. The trovadorescas songs appear and Dante writes the Divine Comedy. Joana d? Arc is condemned; English and Frenchmen fight per one hundred years. then is opened the season of maritime expansion.

the time goes passing and the man continuing in its day. A man then invents something new, the press, and prints the Bible. Meanwhile Columbus arrives at America and Vasco of Gamma, finally, arrives at India. The world starts to be small Leonardo of the Vinci paints the Mona Lisa and Lutero initiates the Reformation. The world is lesser still when Ferno de Magalhes initiates the first trip of circunavegao of the Land. Between discoveries, great made and inventions, the man continues ahead The Aztecs are defeated by the Spaniard, and the same Spaniard conquer the city of Cuzcu when crowd defeating them.

when the incognito of the human spirit seems to be high to the cube, the Italians find a method to decide the algebraic equations of third degree. They date of this time the first constructions of theaters with division between palco and auditorium; much even so Rousseau comes to only say on the social inaqualities three hundred years later. Coincidence or not, the inquisition is reestablished almost at the same time where it appears the proposal of that some accounts can have as resulted a negative number. E, in the night of Is Bartolomeu, about three a thousand protestants is died. The time passes, passes, passes Cames writes the Lusadas, Galileu inaugurates the modern physics, Cervantes of to the world Dom Quixote.

Beethoven The Genius And Revolutionary

The majesty and gravity of the second 21 movement of opus 5ta symphony of Beethoven. One of the most beautiful compositions of the romantic period and evidently of the history of music. He is evident that L.V. Beethoven was a genius, advanced to his time but that lived and felt the influences of the political changes that happened in Europe, and by extension in the world. What today we would call opinion leader.

He was social a cultural leader and therefore. Treating the subject from the sociological point of view, I comprise of a movement that changed the vision of the society and the history of the world. At the same time, or therefore he was a revolutionary. The end of century XVIII and all the practically XIX was scene of the revolution that changed the way to think and to act as much in the social area as cultural and political. I hear that movement of his now more famous symphony, comparable to the novena.

It resists that majesty that I mention with the dramatic quality of the first movement, associated with called of the destiny to the door it is possible to express greater dramatic quality in a phrase? I believe that it is difficult. More difficult still it is to manage to express dramatic quality, sadness, majesty in a work, and that this becomes landlord, the standard, there is no more . Without falling to Beethoven nor too much raising to John Williams, I believe that this last one is of the few that, in the cultural scope in which it moves, and taking into account the present circumstances would be comparable to that one genius of the century ancestor. Sample of it is their works such as the imperial march of the contraataca empire (George Lucas, original Trilogy of Star Wars), or the same main subject of the same trilogy, whose initial film now occupies the fifth chapter of the series. We could speak of the subjects of Hunters of the Coffer Loss , the List of Schindler, or the inaugural and thematic March of the Olympic games of Los Angeles 1984. In each it presents/displays different moods and use complete and deep of the orchestral resources in the best symphonic expression. It is a pleasure and the best luck to be able to attend the vital presence of this great contemporary composer, as well as to have the opportunity to listen to the different orchestral versions from L.V. Beethoven.

Jet Black

Because only you will be tenderly. In the eyes of the congeners of his daughter will be an old slug and give everything to load his maiden until eternity, eternal. Less than less, choose that picture in which she posed as God brought her to the world, with Eva suit. In case of committing a similar offering, you It has two roads. Remove a passage to the foreign legion or flee to the closest lands but out of sight until you pass the time, is the most advisable.

Otherwise it will be cremated which witch of yesteryear in the bonfire of the passions of its former baby. And forget that his daughter again set foot in the House of return with their friends. And until you go the ignominy it may be that not suffice him this life but next time. Absolutely laugh of a joke made to it, and less than less if the joke in question departed from the jaws of his younger brother, or remain as the treacherous eldest who conspires with others instead of allying with who should. Keep in mind that everything that others say will be their entire approval. Any thing that EA says will be used against you. I do not know bother issuing Word unless it was thus sued by the sinorina in question.

Severe identity crisis will give you if you perceive in you Some minimum gesture, this is not my child to, against any new acquisition for the girl. A piercing, belly button, on the nose, the ear lobe. Or so the violet hair paint. Although using dental threads as a thong. Without the above in question view eternal mourning because you chose to be Dark and up to paint colored Jet Black, like Morticia Adams nails. Never ever stepped on the stick with: I at your age. Because it will be unfailingly treated old retrograde.