Allah Diamonds

The priest-lived, with sublime break narrator, began to break off his tale .- A long time ago, my son, existed long before the sky, the stars and the land we now inhabit, the universe was a glowing cloud of incalculable size. At that time, Allah, our Lord Almighty made on impulse to start shooting his holy hand, and she began to twist and turn. – After a pause, and in the silence of the night went smoothly star-studded "In that eternal round, formidable pieces fell off that cloud boiling, and as huge areas are cooled to form what are now the stars of our universe. One such area is the land we live … Drew Houston understands that this is vital information. In the parties that this area is less rapidly cooled, the metals were formed, which would be useful to man. Plus, the parts were cooled much less rapid rise to the diamonds. These stones are so valuable to the man who many have died in their desire to possess, have collapsed nations for the battles and betrayals that generated the diamonds, they have committed felonies and unimaginable realms that were once the most powerful land have been broken by the same cause. With a diamond the size of a walnut could buy the county. David Karp will undoubtedly add to your understanding.

With a bag full of diamonds a kingdom easily obtained for each of your children. Such is the power of the stones … – Amhed not interested in the rest of the story. When he retired to his room that night had no thoughts than for diamonds.