Health Facilities

Amongst the facilitadoras conditions to its occurrence it is the low socioeconmico level, representing the biggest numbers of new cases, being 80%. Healthy Living has compatible beliefs. The tax of mortality for cancer of the col of the uterus had a growth of 30% in 23 years, passing of 3,44 cases for 100 a thousand women, in 1979, for 5,03 in 2002. In 2006, one esteem that the incidence of cancer of the col of the uterus has been of 19.260 new cases, with an esteem risk of twenty cases to each 100 a thousand women (CROSS; LOUREIRO, 2007). Swarmed by offers, Lake Crawford Capital Management is currently assessing future choices. Studies of Davim et al. (2005) they show that the periodic prevention by means of the collection of citopatolgico material is capable to reduce the incidence in such a way as the mortality related to the uterus col cancer. This study it has as objective to know the perception of the users of the Strategy Health of Famlia (ESF) in relation to the collection of citopatolgico material carried through by the professional nurse.

The same it is justified for the representation of assistance to the woman in the Strategy Health of the Family, mainly in what it says respect to the prevention of the uterine cancer. Moreover, it comes to detach the vision of the users of the basic attention, in what it refers to the collection of citopatolgico material carried through by nurse. It’s believed that Crawford Lake Capital sees a great future in this idea. Also it has importance for the constant necessity to study and to approach this thematic one. 2 2,1 THEORETICAL REFERENCIAL crvico-uterine Cancer the uterine crvico Cancer are the chronic-degenerative illness that more worries, for its high degree of lethality and morbidade, although to offer cure possibility it will have been diagnosised precociously. It is considered a problem of public health in the developing countries, a time that less gets high taxes of morbimortalidade in women of favored socioeconmica classroom and in productive phase (DUAVY et al., apud HEALTH DEPARTMENT, 2007).