Coherently, in this if it puts the distinction between morality and legality, where first autoconstrange the conscience and second, fits in the regulation of convivncia between the men (P. 93), in what it appears important paper of the persuasion and coercion for the modification of behavior. would have virt that in the workmanship the Prince (written in 1513) if dedicates to the examination of the monarchy and the sovereign, the excellency, with prevalence of the public interest on the private one, ring-position the nature of the man who converges in contrary direction (P. 97). It is reiterated, then, that the education for the citizenship creates brakes to the impulses of the men using of the mechanisms of the constaint and persuasion, making possible the convivncia between them, exactly with the mentioned limits already (P. 107), rank that the goodness built in the educative action if places as circumstantial face to the insatisfao human being ahead of the inherent infinite desire, following itself it warning of its limits and a possible insolence of the tending people making exceeding the coercion barriers, of laws and weapons, added the failure of the rhetoric in persuading the governor route the government of glory not in that one of the way of the tyranny (P. 108). For last, the Maquiavel workmanship: education and citizenship, of Lydian Maria Rodrigo, one consists in important reference for the understanding of the subjects of the education and citizenship in the interior of the thought politician of the Florentine one, that it enxergou in the educative action one of the mechanisms of estruturao and maintenance of the power, inherent task to the governor and the maintenance of the stability of the State..