Health Insurance Program

(NUH) more than 43 million people in the United States of America, the richest country in the world do not have health insurance. Many families are worried about how he will pay visits to the doctor, get the immunizations they need and pay treatments if their children get sick. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, immunizations are very important because they prevent that children have life-threatening diseases, such as whooping cough, diphtheria, measles, mumps, hepatitis and meningitis. For even more details, read what Isaac Dabah says on the issue. Many people in this country have not ever seen a child with any of these diseases. Therefore, they believe that these diseases do not exist, said Dr.

Carden Johnston, President of the American Academy of Pediatrics. But we are leaving our children exposed to serious illnesses and even death if we are not them. These diseases exist in other countries and may be only a flight of distance. Johnston says that research shows that about 20 percent of children 19 to 35 months old are behind with their immunizations. Children from ethnic minority groups, including Hispanic and children with low incomes, are the most likely to be affected. Health insurance is important for children because it helps pay for immunizations.

It also allows them to regularly visit to a pediatrician or other health-care professionals and cover the costs if children get sick and need treatment. Medicaid provides medical care to low-income individuals. But there is also a program to provide medical coverage to children living in households with modest incomes. This program is called the health insurance program for children of the State (State Children s Health Insurance Program). Each State has its own protocol but most States pay for doctor visits, prescription medicines, immunizations and hospitalizations. The request for the inclusion in this program will not affect the status of immigration of the child or his father. Many health departments public offer immunizations for an approximate value of $5 to $10 each. Parents can contact for further information for the municipality of your town, city or County.

System Inteligente Company

Storage In the basic definitions of this concept, used in industrial engineering, says that the Storage happens when an object or group of them is retained and protected against movements or uses nonauthorized. In the context of the processes of the System Inteligente Company, conceived by Anbal Basurto Amparano i, the Storage is located between the activities that represent waste, because they only add costs and delays. It says the following thing: Storage (it delays programmed): This activity also constitutes part of the process, and happens when the product, information or service happen to be stored. This period is a delay, but programmed; it can be a programmed delay of parts, resources or materials. Obvious it does not add value, is " desperdicio" in the process.

This is one of the six types of activities that conform any process: operation, transport, inspection, delay, storage and re-work; only the operation activities add value in direct form. An operative activity makes advance the process, represent " trabajo". The other five types of activity: transport, inspection, delay, storage and retrabajo, represents waste, they only add costs and delays; and if they are eliminated or they reduced, it does not pass anything, is not affected the value of the yield; in financial terms, really one rises. In the System Inteligente Company, we looked for to make best, faster and less expensive the processes; it is why to begin, the first step is: to identify the diverse types of activities that conform the process of the company, not to realise efforts in vain, as they are those to deal with better what would have to be eliminated and trying to eliminate what really would have to improve. Functional illiterate the functional illiteracy, in its basic concept, talks about to incompetence in the basic functions such as the reading, the writing and the mathematics; and several types of illiteracy have been exposed also, like cultural, cybernetic, social, the technological one, among others.