But the procedure of purification of consciousness can not change the structural formula of consciousness. For his re-purified consciousness enters into the material world, and this happens as long as the mind or not transferred to the new stage of its evolution, falling for life in a more committed towards our worlds, or is the dismantling of soul consciousness, and in this case, consciousness loses her memory and all experience cumulative evolution, since its development from scratch. In this case, the more ancient structure of consciousness, so it is more developed, the more intelligent and highly educated person is capable to represent the material world, the more offensive then the consciousness of the soul to lose the experience of evolution. But this happens only with the consciousness, which is steadily growing percentage of dark consciousness. In this case the consciousness of the universe makes it very simple conclusion – the way forward for this blind alley of consciousness, assisted by the consciousness of the universe for the soul consciousness does not lead to desired results. It should be noted also that the more highly structure of consciousness, the greater responsibility for actions committed she is. After all, no wonder the development of dark consciousness in the structure of the archangel Lucifer has made him an angel of light – Satan. Mankind knows many examples of how the representatives of a highly consciousness due to a large percentage of dark consciousness of the possibility of using his mind is not for the benefit of people, but against them.