Rio De Janeiro

Bacterium M. tuberculosis, M.avum, salmonela, M.Kansaii, the Nocardia and the Salmonella. NeoplasiSarcoma Kaposi, linfoma no-Hodgkin. Table 1: Main and neoplasias associates the AIDS. Source: Diverse references the importance is that it was obtained to diminish or until not appearing to the opportunist illnesses keeping the patient with more time only with the HIV would increase the longevity, therefore alone the HIV not the death takes the patient. 1.1.1) The opportunist AIDS and illnesses – clinical References virus HIV spoils cells T, debilitating the defense system and helping to open ways for the opportunist illnesses according to effective hypothesis. ‘ ‘ The states of acquired imunodeficincia can be secondary the innumerable conditions, including infections (you capsize, bacterial, and fngicas), auto-immune malnutrition, illnesses (lpus- erimatoso sistmico, artrite reumatide), syndrome nefrticos, uremia, sarcadose, linfomas and treatment with agent imunossupressores (for example, radiation, corticosteride, quimioterapicos, cyclosporin).

Currently the spread use of agent imunossupressores constitutes, chemotherapy, cyclosporin. Currently the spread use of agent imunossupressores constitutes the main cause of imunodeficincia as consequent risk increasing of infections oportunistas’ ‘ (Rubin et al, 2002). ‘ ‘ The picture of the co-infection in country, however is not uniform, differing as regio’ ‘. Studies carried through in Rio De Janeiro, in autopsies of patients with carrying AIDS of pulmonary injuries, disclose to taxes raised for the tuberculosis ‘ ‘ (Veronesi) ‘ ‘. The AIDS in Brazil the carriers present high taxes of TB (tuberculosis), and this illness is known is closely on to the partner-economic conditions. They would be some co-factors, therefore the AIDS is a complex illness is some co-factors (me the nutrition, use of drugs, antibiotics etc.) that they contribute with the deterioration of the imunolgico system. As favorable argument, therefore it would explain the cause that people with the HIV without presenting the opportunist illnesses and many present opportunist illnesses without having HIV.