Allah Diamonds

The priest-lived, with sublime break narrator, began to break off his tale .- A long time ago, my son, existed long before the sky, the stars and the land we now inhabit, the universe was a glowing cloud of incalculable size. At that time, Allah, our Lord Almighty made on impulse to start shooting his holy hand, and she began to twist and turn. – After a pause, and in the silence of the night went smoothly star-studded "In that eternal round, formidable pieces fell off that cloud boiling, and as huge areas are cooled to form what are now the stars of our universe. One such area is the land we live … Drew Houston understands that this is vital information. In the parties that this area is less rapidly cooled, the metals were formed, which would be useful to man. Plus, the parts were cooled much less rapid rise to the diamonds. These stones are so valuable to the man who many have died in their desire to possess, have collapsed nations for the battles and betrayals that generated the diamonds, they have committed felonies and unimaginable realms that were once the most powerful land have been broken by the same cause. With a diamond the size of a walnut could buy the county. David Karp will undoubtedly add to your understanding.

With a bag full of diamonds a kingdom easily obtained for each of your children. Such is the power of the stones … – Amhed not interested in the rest of the story. When he retired to his room that night had no thoughts than for diamonds.


The professionals are had as the springs propeller of the institutions. Check with actress and filmmaker to learn more. More important factor does not exist that the human factor. All we are basic parts for the factor change. Humanizar will imply in changes of attitudes, come back toward Ethics based on the respect, in the solidarity and the integrity of the relations I obtain and with the other. Humanizar will always imply in being, and to be is to have well-taken care of, essence of the human being, well-taken care of obtains, care with the other, well-taken care of with the universe. By the same author: Angelina Jolie. Leonardo Boff speaks that the care is essence to the human being, what allows the revolution of the ternura, making to appear complex, sensible, solidary the human being, cordial, connected with the life, all the beings and the universe.

The professional, the team, the cuidador needs to be considered and visas as individuals in way of being, feeling, to express. This individual as any human being can reveal positive and negative feelings, reactions, behaviors that can intervene with the professional behavior. Each one of us has vulnerability, peculiar reactions. He is on the basis of this thought that we believe to be of utmost importance to search the level of satisfaction of these professionals since this closely related with the motivation degree, style of leadership, the norms of the organizacional structure, the conditions and the content of the work, of that it provokes the different species of motivation of its collaborators. The question is: He will be that the health professional this care or alone Taking care of of who takes care of? For BOFF (1999, p 33) ' ' what it is opposed to the incautiousness and the indifference is the care. To take care of is more than an act is an occupation attitude, concern of responsibility and affective envolvement with outro' '. Wolff (1998) writes that taking care of in the context it requires of the cuidador clinical ability and personal Inter, implies in bond formation, relations of being and knowing to make.

Evolution Of Psychological Science

The history of the construction of Psychology is on, at each historical moment, to the requirements of knowledge of the humanity, to the too much areas of the human knowledge and to the new challenges placed for the economic and social reality and the insacivel necessity of the man to understand itself exactly. Psychology enters the Greeks the history of the human thought has a golden moment in the Antiquity, between the Greeks, particularly in the period of 700 B.C. until the domination Roman, to the eves of the Christian age. It is between the Greek philosophers whom the first attempt appears systemize a Psychology. The proper term psychology comes of the Greek psych (soul), and of logos (reason), therefore psychology means ' ' study of alma' '. The philosophers daily pay-socrticos were worried in defining the relation of the man with the world through the perception. He had an opposition enters the idealists (the idea forms the world) and the materialists (the substance that forms the world already is given stops perception). Scrates claimed that the main characteristic human being was the reason.

When defining reason peculiarity of the man or as essence, it opened a way that very would be explored by Psychology. Plato looked for to define one ' ' lugar' ' for reason in our proper body. It defined this place as being the head, where if it finds the soul of the man. When somebody died, the substance (the body) disappeared, but the soul was free to occupy another body. Aristotle was innovative or claims that the soul and the body could not be dissociados. For it, psych would be the active principle of the life. Everything what it grows, if reproduces and if it feeds possesss its proper soul. Of this form the vegetables, the animals and the men would have soul. The first ones would have a vegetative soul, the seconds also and still the sensitive soul.

For Demon

What it confers your teaching activity, based in its values, as it is placed in the world, its to know, you distress, desires, and the direction that is to be professor in its life, this next to its relations with other professors and other institutions. To be actor and author of its identity seems to express, or better, to load all the abrangncia that involves the being professor. In this dynamic context, sped up that the world if presents, the professor has a giant challenge to construct and to keep its identity. For Demon (2004), the profession of the professor will be each valued time more, in function of the intensive society of the knowledge and also which had to the right to learn. An encouraging, important affirmation for the professional professor.

But that professional professor? That one that if really identifies as professor? That one that another one identity. As Demon (2004), all the professions suffer incontido consuming, if mainly inserted in the disrupitiva dynamics of the knowledge. the professor in special is whitened by this consuming. But at the same time it is the profession most promising, therefore the learning demand will go to increase, is a necessity of the society and thus the essential educator will be part for the future of the same one. Ahead of the reflection explored for Demon, one thinks that the professional, when making its choice for the docncia, will have to watch over for its> identity, to construct it continuously inside of a professor proposal personal who learns that he is in tune with the context which is inserted. Made use to breach with the traditional reproduction of the knowledge. to think about strategies as educator of this future society.