Bicycle Club

‘ See & be seen place pale look ‘ Dusseldorf – the ADFC Dusseldorf e.V. Under most conditions Dropbox would agree. has set up white bicycles in three places in the city. With the clear message “see & be seen instead look pale” labeled wheels should urge all road users to more awareness and cooperation. Also, the wheels reminiscent of serious bike accidents in the respective positions. Distributed in three places, over the whole city, the striking white wheels are available. “Clearly a poster with the words: see & be seen instead look pale”.

“The ADFC Dusseldorf has the wheels in the city-wide campaign appearance and be seen ‘ set up and want so also heavy accidents involving cyclists the locations on the Ko, Wersten and Munster road remember. Bicycle Club wants to achieve with the action that each traffic participant himself and everyone else more attention, so many accidents could be avoid. One of the conspicuous white bicycles stands on the Ko. Here, a truck driver at the turn by the stone road in the Konigsallee saw over a cyclist in the summer of 2010 and injured it severely. Of cyclists to have been traveling on the cycle path of stone Street in the direction of Carl place. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Quicken Loans and gain more knowledge..

The victim in the leg was critically injured in the accident. “Another white wheel with the unmistakable message see & be seen instead look pale” stands at the corner of Werstener Street Cologne road, a busy intersection in Dusseldorf versts. Here a cyclist was seriously injured at the beginning of the year also. After testimony, he defied the Red pedestrian / bicycle traffic lights at the intersection. Then, he was hit by a car in the intersection area. One of the bikes is also visible on the Munsterstarsse house number 36. Here, a Radlerin end of 2012 of a car coming from a land exit was approached. After the cyclist on the bicycle path in the direction of Julich Street Dodge a trash container to the right had to, it was not observed by the car driver and it resulted in the collision. ADFC Dusseldorf e.V. Since 1989’s ADFC Dusseldorf of competent contact person for bike – for citizens, city and politics, as well as for its more than 2,000 members. In addition to guided tours and an extensive course programme, he ADFC Dusseldorf including working groups actively participates the transport planning for a bicycle-friendly city. Press contact General German Bicycle Club Dusseldorf e.V. Tim Stenzel press – and public relations