
When we suffer from hemorrhoids must know how developed are to take adequate treatment, and specifies its location. According to his State found bleeding hemorrhoids, swollen, thrombosed, and its location are internal and external. Well first of all we must not confuse when we talk about hemorrhoids swollen with hemorrhoids trambosadas, since in both there is an increase in size, but the difference that becomes something very hard since there is an internal clotting of veins, and in the swollen in the trambosadas there is flushing, heat, pain and burning caused by segregated prostaglandins. If you would like to know more about actress and filmmaker, then click here. He is recommended for a good treatment for inflamed hemorrhoids: home treatments: baths of cold seat, and the application of ice covered with soft fabrics help to decrease swelling, although you can soothe much pain, paramount is that hemorrhoids does not continue to grow. Medicinal plants: Chamomile is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory, well we can consume 5 to 10 times a day, and using envelopes can apply them in the wounds. Take sitz bath baking this herb also get excellent results. Other important plant in the treatment for inflamed hemorrhoids is the lapacho, we use its crust through cooking, and with him you can debug all your body.

Other plants effective but no less important are horsetail and alfalfa. Medications: If you don’t have home remedies available to, we can make the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, among them we find to NSAIDs or anti-inflammatory drugs. In this type of medicines must have great care not to take excessive, as a dose adequate help much in our problem, but in high doses causes bleeding in the stomach and intestines, and it is more desirable when they are thrombosed, the best-known find ibuprofen and ketoprofen. Topical glucocorticoids is the other option for inflamed hemorrhoids. In any case, ask your doctor’s trust for a better recipe.