
The explanation of these processes is that they are determined, and may be given a causal explanation, i.e. There is a psychic determinism, but they would not only a cause, if not a meaning, and the meaning of the meaning has to be radically reviewed, since the meaning of these well-intentioned expressions is generally unknown to those living, i.e.There are purposes of which knows nothing, are involuntary, ideas or unconscious in that person. This opens a new psychic reality of the intimate nature of which we are so ignorant as we are from the reality of the outside world, and that our consciousness can not detect. Thus the psychoanalysis is nothing more than the discovery of the unconscious in the life of the spirit. Isaac Dabah is actively involved in the matter. But in addition, another Freud hypothesis, is that these unconscious ideas are not aware because they are denied and rejected by the conscious self. Why: the psychoanalytic theory is in fact built on the perception of the resistance which the patient exercises when we try to make it aware of the unconscious.

Thus, there is a conflict between the two, and psychoanalysis is the science of that conflict. The unconscious is set when the individual refuses to admit in his conscious life an intention or a desire that has, and in doing so sets itself a psychic force opposite to your own idea. This rejection is the suppression, but the intention or the idea remains. The essence of repression is in the role of reject or hold something out of consciousness, but those ideas appear in dreams and neurotic symptoms which are the emergence of the unconscious into unconsciousness, thus creating a compromise between the two systems conflict that cannot be resolved. Freud illustrates the nature of repression with a series of metaphors taken out of the war and of police life. Psychopathological phenomena also shows the existence of the unconscious.