European States

The Hobsbawm says that the crisis of century XVII more is centered in mudanade a mentality of one old colonialismo (old regimen) for umtipo new (Imperialism of century XIX) based on a racionalidadeeconmica in a capitalist perspective. England, however, nesseperodo possesss a especificidade. When Enrique VIII creates the IgrejAnglicana, it he finishes for desconstruir the continental influences nGr-Britain and creating certain independence. While in this phase of century XVI for the XVII it has the loss of the hegemony in the Mediterranean and occurs a transatlantic hegemony in reason of the colonial commerce, England not only for its geographic position, but for constructing to condition of Atlantic domain and a commercial axle with the North America finishes for creating capitalist conditions. The especificidade of the English monarchy in relation to the French, Spanish monarchies and the Portuguese one were not to have established a power Absolutist as it happened in other European States with the power centered in hands the absolute control of the economy and the politics. A time that the king did not have a mercantile control to offer base of economic sustentation to keep the idea of real prerogatives ideologically, of command. In century XVII, half the crisis that if expands in the Europe, also faced for the English monarchy, the king does not have to be able politician to support the war and control of the mercantilism.

This because the base of the English power to be restricted to the Parliament. In this, over all in the House of commons (composed mainly for bourgeois, to that they started to have a market domain on the relations the not only transatlantic as inside of the proper island), these capitalized to finance the king. Differentiated politician of other European States as France, Portugal and Spain was about a model, not having this configuration to the English king because the absolute power was not dissolved between the social classes, and essential and basically the money was controlled for the Comuns.Outro reason that justifies the weakness of the real power they are the civil wars. To know more about this subject visit Doronin.


Facts occurred with people who had contracted hansenase in different decades in the State of Par. Therefore, many isolated ones in always distant Public institutions of the city and are of measured the social and familiar scope that was justified for the inefficacy of the cure of the illness. For much time these people had remained themselves segregated. For more information see Drew Houston. However a new politics was idealized to reintegrate them the social one again taking the extinguishing of these spaces and conditions so that the former-patients of the illness returned its lives. However part of them lost bow with the society and contacts with its familiar ones hindering its return to the same one, even though had to the mutilations deriving of the illness that them estigmatizava its situation still more, having as consequence it remained of great part in the old spaces, exactly not needing to live in them, that it must be analyzed by different reasons and interests. Words Keys: memory, segregation, permanence, illness.. If you would like to know more then you should visit Estee Lauder CEO.