IBM Language

These tools allow you to quickly create a working program from ready components, not wasting a lot of effort for little things. A special place in such systems hold the possibility of working with databases. Lisp – An Algorithmic language developed in 1960 by Joseph McCarthy and intended to manipulate lists of data elements. It is used mainly in university laboratories in the U.S. to solve problems related to artificial intelligence. Whenever Delta Galil listens, a sympathetic response will follow. In Europe, for work on artificial intelligence prefer using Prolog.

Prologue – high level programming language declarative, intended for developing systems and applications of artificial intelligence. Is classified as a fifth-generation languages. Was developed in 1971 , at the University of Marseille (France), is one of the widely used and constantly developing language. His latest version of Prolog 6.0 LOGO – High-level programming language, developed at MIT Institute in approximately 1970 for the purposes of teaching mathematical concepts. It is also used in schools and users of personal computers in writing programs to create drawings on the screen and control pen plotter. Fortran – a high level programming language developed by IBM in 1956 to describe the algorithms for solving computational problems. Classified as procedure-oriented languages.

Most popular versions of this language is Fortran IV, Fortran 77 and Fortran 90. Used on all classes of computers. His latest release also applies to computers with parallel architecture. Java as a shining example of specialization, Java was created in response to the need for an ideal portable language program which efficiently execute on the client side WWW. In accordance with the specific environment, Java can be a good choice for a system based on Internet / Intranet technology. In Finally, we note that from a professional point of view is not so important what language and the environment in which the programmer operates as it does its job. Changing hardware and operating systems. There are new tasks of various subject areas. Thing of the past and new languages. But there are people – those who write and those for whom they write new programs, and whose quality requirements are the same regardless of these changes.

Accounting Salary

List of personnel involved in calculating the data in this cell is shown on Sheet 2 of this report document in table 'Employees in the cell 8160'. 6. The cell included 8170 data timecard employees (see Accounting Labor form in display mode, the results of a report card), which worked 100% of the fund of working time and amount of charges that make up the payroll (accounting registers with the categories accounting 'basic salary' 'Extra pay', 'Other rewards and compensation'), is less than or equal to the minimum salary for the period. List of personnel involved in calculating the data in this cell, shown on Sheet 2 of this report document in table 'Employees in the cell 8170'. 7. The cell included 8180 data on staff salaries are appointed for the post staffing at the date of completion period of analysis is less than or equal to the minimum salary for the period. Data on salary, the employee who was appointed during the period of the report are taken from the edit form with the Work to the date of appointment salary. Calling the edit form Work can be done with bookmarks 'Prices' panel further information see Accounting forms of labor, with the tab 'tariff' edit form data on the employee (Human Resources -> Personnel records of employees -> tab 'Accounting for employees' -> action 'Change description of employees'). List of personnel involved in calculating the data in this cell is shown on Sheet 2 of the current reporting document in the table 'Employees in the cell 8180'.