” The fundamental element of the lobbying is to secure that a member of the Congress votes by one, by its objective or his causa” , Meek says. ” In order to obtain this, one must convince to that person that it can do it without losing its next election. Thus it is of simple”. In order to do it, sometimes it is necessary to mobilize to the voters of that legislator by means of refined campaigns at popular level and in mass media, so that the public finds out the question and exerts pressure on the legislator so that he votes in favor of the cause that one maintains, adds Meek. To lobby has one ” importance enorme” in the operation of the government, it indicates Thomas Mann, director of governmental studies in the Brooking Institution, organization of political analysis with soothes in Washington.
As the Government expands and the problems become more complex, the members of the Congress and their assistants, crushed of work, must depend more and more on experts of outside obtaining data. This has taken to the development of great companies of lobbying, able not only to make contact with the enemy with the congressmen and their assistants, but also to follow the track to them thousands of regulations, to place announcements, to do that voters send letters and make calls telephone and to obtain that their spokesmen pronounce themselves in mass media or newspapers to way to position positions that could become from great acceptance or popular rejection, depends on the proposed objective. The lobbying companies generally take care of congresionales subjects and of the complexities of the legislation, whereas the companies of relations you publish take care of ” rather the mass media, or publish announcements at popular level that will cause that the public writes to his congresistas” to them; , it says to the lawyer and lobbyist Mary Lyman..