Chemical Dependence

Clearly that each human being is only must be treated as such. Interviewer fits to the interviewer or the team the flexibility and the discernment of if adjusting to each case and not having answers and goals ' ' engessadas' '. Another one I begin cited is the Empatia. To know to recognize the difficulty to curtail/to diminish the chemical dependence already is an important step. To reveal sensible to the great lived deeply problem and to place it the disposal for aid are primordial factors to the empatia with the other human being. The objetividade and the security of who transmit the information bring positive impact in this action. For more specific information, check out Crawford Lake Capital . It is easy to know why the people abuse the drugs.

pleasure sensation that the drug of to the human being (baptized of system of it rewards of the central nervous system) is very great. It is easy, in a world of constant problems and social, economic conflicts, familiar politicians and, to unload its concerns in the drugs. Mainly in the Brazilian culture, the human being has trend to look the way most easy. However, this way if becomes laborious, therefore to leave this way esbarra in a high wall call Chemical Dependence. Therefore, it is better not to enter, it stops later not having of if treating. Finally, but not less important, the Self-efficacy principle (Auto-effectiveness), that nothing more it is that to work in the individual its capacity to carry through or to have success in its task. Motivating it in this point, showing positive stories of interventions that had given certain, and also showing that it is capable to carry through the stipulated goals and strategies. Valley to remember that, in the execution of this technique, the reduction of the abuse of the tobacco already is an important and satisfactory step. As form of evaluation of results and search of improvement in the boarding, after six months, the volunteer who participated must be called to tell on the passed action, being harvested, independently of the pertinent result, information, such as: ) He obtained to keep the goals and strategies for how much time? b) It had joined difficulties? c) It presented abstinence symptoms? Which? For how much time? d) The information passed during the application of the technique had been useful? e) It recommends the technique of Brief Intervention to other people? Why? f) It has suggestions of improvements? The tobaccoism is classified internationally in the group of decurrent mental upheavals and behavior of the psychoactive substance use (CID? 10/T65.2 – toxic Effect of the tobacco and the nicotine).