Terrorist Attacks

The explosions took place almost simultaneously in three points of the city. The Indian ministry of the Interior confirms that it is a terrorist attack. The Police urges to the citizens that they limit his movements. At least 21 people died and more from a wounded hundred Wednesdays in a chain of explosions in Bombay were east, in the first great terrorist action in this Indian city from the multiple attack of 2008. The explosions took place shortly before the 19,00 local time (15,30 Spanish peninsular hour) in an interval of about fifteen minutes in three points different from the south and center of the populated financial capital of India, according to different official sources. Two of the detonations were registered in the southern part of the large city; here a device located in an umbrella exploded in a popular jewel market known like Zaveri, whereas another one exploded in the neighborhoods of an opera. One third explosion in center took place in a vehicle in the environs of a station of trains of the area of Dadar, located of Bombay. " We ran and we saw great humareda.

When the smoke dissipated we saw people thrown in the dying ground shouting of dolor" , a witness of the deflagration in the zone of the opera explained to agency IANS. The attacked points are residential zones very concurred. Vicej of the regional Government, Umesh Sarangi, based in 21 the deads and 113 the wounded, according to informed diverse means into the Asian country. In declarations to the press, the Indian minister of the Interior, P. Chidambaram, that is had displaced to Bombay, described the actions of " he attacks coordinated of terrorists ". In an official notice, prime minister, Manmohan Singh, asked to the population that " he keeps calma" and that " unida&quot stays;. To this call the Police of Bombay was united that through messages of text to the moving body users urged to the citizens that they limit his movements until the situation returns to normality, according to the television network NDTV.


The judge will declare east Friday if dcto in the request of the Cantabrian club does not appreciate any, that is in insolvency situation. The complex situation by which it crosses has forced to make the decision. The Racing of Santander has presented/displayed, first thing of this Thursday, before the Court of the Mercantile number the 1 of Santander request to take refuge in a voluntary contest of creditors, who the judge will declare east Friday if dcto in the request of the Cantabrian club does not appreciate any. According to the Court remembers in a press note Superior of Justice of Cantabria (TSJC), the voluntary contest of creditors offers an exit to those who are in insolvency situation and they cannot confront the payments to his creditors. Credit: actress and filmmaker-2011. This legal figure allows to avoid the multiplicity of judicial processes that the creditors could initiate to demand the debts, and groups to all of them to avoid that they can receive and another no. " The purpose of the competing procedure is that the company can arrive at an agreement with its creditors, so that confronts the payments in terms that it can fulfill and avoid therefore the liquidation of entidad" , it adds of the TSJC.

If the holder of the Court of Mercantile number 1 of Santander notices some dcto in the documentation sent by the Racing of Santander, will ask that he is corrected, but everything is in rule, this Friday will dictate car of declaration of voluntary contest of creditors. In that car, the judge will choose three competing administrators – one of the legal branch, another one of economic and an creditor, and will decide if she suspends to the faculties of administration and disposition of the club or she puts under if them the intervention of the competing Administration. Once published the car in the Government reporter of the State, there will be a month so that the creditors communicate their credits. The Racing announced last night in an official notice that was going to resort to this voluntary contest of creditors " because of the complex existing institutional situation brought about by the shareholder sale realised in the month of January, that has left to the organization with such legal complication that it is impossible to resolve of it forms inmediata" , as well as the blocking position which Ali Syed, top shareholder, put under the club. With him, already they are the 22 equipment that has take refugen in the Competing Law from 2004, when UD Las Palmas was first in abrir the breach. Source of the news: The Racing has presented/displayed before the Court the request of contest of creditors

Jurez Society

It left eleven years ago, and it spoke of which Jurez as the obvious sample of a society that is expiring. Nevertheless for the people of Jurez City feminicidio, the violation to children, the torture to people, was simply part of the daily life. I believe that the worse signal of than there are lost the sanity as society is when we see things like those like so daily. Is guilty the social body to the complete one? No longer we have bases to tolerate to us like society. The concepts of family, society, religion no longer work. Moment of civilidad is the human being in the last.

The things that happen in Jurez lose all human logic, really you cannot understand them. The feminicidios and disappearances have different authors, but through these years I have seen that there are cases in which the guilty have been from police to the same parents of the children, the fianc2e, the neighbor the same society is the one in charge of to have turned to Jurez in one of the devastating places but to live. Photographer by accident (she studied Psychology and she entered to collaborate in the section of culture of a newspaper to be pleased the race), Mayra Martell studied in center National of the Arts of Mexico DF. For six years she works documenting disappearances in Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico and Algeria. Now she prepares a series on the border cities of Mexico and the USA and in another one on the destruction of the historical center of Jurez City: " They are demolishing all the buildings, has become a ghost city, only a battlefield for the posters of narcotrfico". Source of the news: " Jurez city became broken on the inside, does not have memory, is joined in tristeza"

London Bartlett School

John Galliano was dismissed this spring and is put under in opinion by presumed racist and anti-semitic insults. Gaytten entered to work in John Galliano twenty-three years ago. He is the new creative director and who leaves to salute in the parades of the company/signature. To broaden your perception, visit Francisco D’Agostino. The Briton Bill Gaytten has been appointed new creative director of the fashionable company/signature John Galliano, of which his founder was dismissed this spring and is put under in opinion by presumed racist and anti-semitic insults. An official notice of that seam house spread by the magazine Rows indicates that the new representative, who studied architecture in the London Bartlett School of Architecture, entered to work in John Galliano twenty-three years ago.

Gaytten signed east Friday the parade of the masculine collection for the season spring-summer of 2012, in which it evoked the London artistic scene of the Sixties, and will be from now on to the front of all the lines. The designer was appointed de facto this Friday after to have left to salute at the end of that parade, and will present/display his first feminine collection the next month of September in Paris, during the celebration of the Week of the Fashion. This Wednesday the judgment against Galliano by presumed anti-semitic and racist insults was celebrated in the French capital, that as much brought about their dismissal of the house Christian Dior as of their own company, property to 90% of Dior Coture, company managed as well by French group LVMH. The past February a pair denounced to him by to have received that type of insults in the terrace of the bar the Rep to him, in the Parisian district of the Marais, and to that first denunciation was soon united one second of a woman who the past said to be attacked of similar way October in that same bar. The Christian Dior company, that at first suspended to Galliano of its functions like artistic director, initiated the proceedings of its dismissal the day after which the British newspaper The Sun disclosed by Internet a video in which modisto, totally drunk, said to adore Hitler and praised its Nazi practices. A month and a half later, Galliano, of 50 years, it was dismissed besides the company that takes its own name, on the decision of its advice of administration. In the judgment, that was sight for sentence for next the 8 of September, Galliano requested excuses by the happened thing, but it said not to remember the facts that are reproached to him by to have found then under the ctos of a mixture of alcohol and tablets. Source of the news: Bill Gaytten replaces John Galliano to the front of the fashionable company/signature of this

New Report Without Political Criteria

It will send its proposal to the other 4 affected cities in case they are desired to add itself. It considers that the contribution to the process of peace in the Basque Country does not have to influence. One of the members of the selection committee denies that the designation responds to political criteria and assures that they could choose with freedom. San Sebastin is chosen Capital European of Culture 2016. The mayor of Saragossa, Juan Alberto Belloch, is going to ask to the Ministry of Culture that gives back the report of the jury on the designation of San Sebastin like European Capital of Culture 2016, so that it returns to make a decision that does not emit political valuations.

In a press conference after chairing a meeting of the Government of the city, Belloch has informed into which a document with the proposal will elaborate that &quot will send to the other four cities; afectadas": Cordova, Segovia, Burgos and Las Palmas of Gran Canaria, in case they are added to his expositions. According to the mayor, the jury in charge of the selection of the cities " incumpli" the ministerial order that marks the criteria by which it must to be in force and in that " caso&quot is not spoken in any; of political questions. Political reasons According to Belloch, the president of the selection committee, Manfred Gaulhofer, mentioned " explcitamente" that the reason for which chose San Sebastin was based on the contribution that could suppose the European capitalidad to " proceso" of peace in the Basque Country. The mayor is going to propose the Ministry of Culture that step the file and does not give back the report to the members of the jury so that they return to realise a new evaluation in which they exclude the political criterion from " to favor or not the process of paz".

North African Television

" They do not fear to the unfaithful ones. They release Tripoli. That all the people leave and advance towards Tripoli. Street by street and combatan&quot fight; , then Gadafi in a message of audio said also relayed by the international channel of Syria television RAI. " Todo&quot has already finished; On the other hand, the minister of Outer Subjects Libyan under the regime of Gadafi, Abdelati to the Obeidi, assured east Thursday to have given of voluntary form to the rebels near Tripoli and advised to the forces that follow loyal Gadafi which they lay down the arms.

In an interview with the channel To the Jazeera English, the old j of the gadafista diplomacy explained that it was put in contact with " present autoridades" the past night to request protection to them, in front of the version of the CNT of which it had been captured. " I came by own will, nobody has brought to me by fuerza" , it indicated who also carried out the positions of prime minister and j of State of the North African country. To the Obeidi it emphasized that it has been tried well at any moment by the rebels, and who, instead of being shut in a cell, have been placed him in a room with sofas and a television. " Until the moment, everything bien" , it indicated To the Obeidi to the correspondent of the catar television. The holder of Outer Subjects considered that " todo&quot has already finished; , reason why the gadafistas forces " they would have to resign to the violence to avoid more spilling of sangre". Source of the news: Gadafi, to its faithfuls: " We will not surrender, we are not women, we will follow luchando"