Social Sciences

In the society of advanced technology, mass-measured of them and of the globalization everything becomes so fast; in the distance cultural between the generations is each bigger time. The apelos most diverse and the experiences most unexpected early invade the life of the children and adolescents, and the parents feel it the overwhelming times to make face to the risks that those run. He is not rare to try strong disillusions, evidencing the bankruptcy of its children before the seduction of the drug, the allure of a wild hedonism, the temptations of the violence, the varied expressions more of the felt lack of and desespero.' ' (PABLO II, 2003:19) He results that without if intending to substitute the family in the education and the formation of the children, the school assumes an essential function e, with such evidence, cannot the responsible ones for the educative and formative systems, to ignore certain domnios of the knowledge, since soon, the Philosophy and Sciences of the Education, while you discipline of critical reflection and, but also interventivas and of projecto, as being basic in the preparation of responsible and conscientious citizens of the importance that weighed decisions and interventions have in the development of the society. Get more background information with materials from Daniel Gilbert. One will consider, throughout this work, a solidary complementaridade between Philosophy and Science, this in the scope of Social Sciences and Human beings, with relevance for Sciences of the Education, with the objectivo to not only sensetize entities and institutions, as well as the citizens individually considered, for the relevancy and advantages in the apprehension, development and consolidation of the theoretical and practical knowledge that throughout the life all have that to go acquiring. () Also the man has to proceed to its proper internal globalization, structuralizing themselves and adaptando it the new times, of this new century and millenium that, although everything, if desires of happiness. .


Penalty (2006) summarizes that the perspective of the theory of newsmaking, of which if they include gatekeeper, is a construtivista theory, that is, it emphasizes the conventional character of the notice, admitting that they inform and have reference in the reality. For Penalty (they idem) the notice seen for this optics, helps to construct to this same reality and possesss an internal logic of constitution that influences the construction process all. I can conclude in this chapter that under all the analyses, vises and under all the aspects the notice are the substance cousin of any journalistic way. It is the bedding of which if alicera great news articles. She is around it that the activities of gigantic journalistic organizations if concentrate and that the scholars on the subject if lean over in the direction to form concepts, hypotheses and theories on its effect caused to the social environment. The notice passes for a production routine, that involves many 0 variable of different nature. The apparatuses of production followed by sociology of the journalistic profession, they influence in the productive process of the information, of which the notice is the basic ingredient. To finish, the concepts and examples that I used in this first chapter had been for guiding the subject on what it is the news in the TV, subjects that I will treat I capitulate in it following and to give a theoretical recital to the analysis that will be made in third I capitulate.

2A NOTICE IN the TV – OF the HYPOTHESES AND THEORIES To the PRACTICAL one OF the DAY-BY-DAY JOURNALISTIC one In the previous chapter I detached the importance of theories that in my conception influence the communication and the media in general, over all the telejornalismo. My intention in the two chapters to follow is to identify the practical application of these theories in my objects of analysis, periodical of the Record and Jornal of the Culture. I will start, therefore for an analysis on the effect of the image propagated for the TV in the social context and on the telejornalismo as being integrant part of the process of televising production. 2.1Sentidos and meanings through of the television Beyond historical, economic and sociocultural the transformations proper of our time, the way of the mediaes between the human being and the real world also come moving. The mediaes, made through the images and of the technologies come transforming the forms to see and of looking at. In

Scientific Methods

I intend, in the present work, to develop, in general terms, the development of the science notion and the way that it comes covering during history, standing out its main authors, the main contribuidores of its predominant validity as perspective in our society. I say ‘ ‘ in terms gerais’ ‘ , for if dealing with an ample and extremely complex subject, and it would be impracticable to develop it in its totality in this academic work, having to be a cabvel question to an entire workmanship. Said this, I will describe the process of reduction of science to the method, phenomenon into which transformed the way total of as science works with its object, a time what method, thick way, is the spine of the vertebral column of science. For this, I will use of academic texts written by Prof. Dr.

Jose Dos Reis Saints Son, in which he has the survey of questions concerning this subject. Finally, I will deal with the reduction of the method to the technique, more necessarily ece of fish in sc.XX, where the process if gave of more emphatical form. I wait, with this work, to contribute with descriptions and levamentos regarding science as predominant bias, in the direction to point the main points with which it made more of it than a way to arrive itself at the truth, but yes if to become the proper truth of the world. 2. SCIENCE AND THE METHOD: COVERING HISTORY science today, in Modernity? or in after-Modernity, as they want some? it acts as a way to see the world of predominant form, where its rules, rules and laws dictate to the truths before a society, understanding the common sense, the media and the academy, in general points.

Social Sciences

For in such a way, we consider that the express language by means of the conflicts and confrontations presented through the two programs in study, in any way tries to shorten the reflection of the people and to disable the reach of a more critical look how much to the social type of behavior, as well as the formation of the stigmata and esteretipos. This is perceivable for the ideological dynamism of the programs the front publishes of it, and corresponds the form as the language is express through the medias that instrumentaliza. 2 IDEOLOGICAL INFLUENCES OF the LANGUAGE AND the SPEECH For being the code more used in the situations of communication and social interaction the language is par excellence great the responsible one in the practical ones of language where the speech is, thus, word in movement. Saussure (2005) comes showing in them that with the study of the speech the man observes itself speaking, and this permeia the description-social characteristic of the language. When leading in account the historical period, where if contextualiza Saussure speaks to it, look for to find the regularidades of the language in the production of the speech, and consider all the processes and to the conditions of production of felt of the language, analyzing the citizens that speak and the situations where if it produces saying. To articulate the knowledge of the field of Social Sciences (the politician) and of the domain of the Lingustica (the symbolic one). This joint leads to the transformations of the practical ones social and to the conditions of language of the man in its history, how much to the question of transparency of the same one that it acquires the capacity to represent the constituent ideas of the ideologies of the language through the truths ' ' impostas' ' for the culture or culture of mass in each context. .

World Philosophy

Certain he is that it tends to horizontes more remote, situated stops beyond the world, similar from there obtaining the experience of the world. Not even the deepest meditation will have felt if not to become related to the existence of the man, here and now. The philosophy sees indistinctly last criteria, looks for to the light of the impossible one, the way for the o man will be able to be enobrecer in its empirical existence. The philosophy dirige it the individual, of the place to the community, moved for the desire of the truth, and who if dedicates to filosofar would like to be admitted in this community.

It is granddaughter world and institution could not become duly warned to sacrifice the freedom of its truth. The philosopher cannot know if he integrates the community, but he desires for the thought to live in such a way that the acceptance is possible. The philosophy she is too much complex, is beyond my reach, this is equivalent to say: the interest for the basic questions of the life is useless; it fits to supply itself to think about the general plan to dive in a chapter any of practical activity or intellectual and the remaining portion will be enough to have ‘ ‘ opinies’ ‘ to content itself with them. The vital instinct hates the philosophy. If understood I it, I would have to modify my life. He acquired another state of spirit, you would see the things to an uncommon clarity and would review my judgments. The philosophy inhales to the total truth, that the world does not want.