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Month: July 2013
Quarter Gardens Being
The interviewed ones were walking for the sidewalk and in points of bus. Of the fifteen interviewed, nine were women and six men. Of this total, 40% were resident of the Quarter Gardens and the others 60%, inhabitants of the Grageru quarter and other localities. How much to the question of being diligent of the proper quarter, 66.6% had answered that not and 33.4% that yes being these workers of the Bompreo Supermarket and house servants of residential building, next the interview area. How much to the question naturalness 93.4% they are aracajuanos and originary 6.6% of Ours Lady of the Aid. To if asking on the situation of local basic sanitation, they consider it 53.4% good, however 46.6% they find it bad, therefore according to them, at times of rain it does not have water draining becoming difficult or even though impracticable the traffic of vehicles and people. In accordance with the interviewed ones, 86.6% find that the quarter possesss good ways of education being distinguished the schools Master, CCPA and college Gardens. On the other hand, 13.4% evidence the inexistence of a school publish in the region remaining as option only the State School Senator Milk Grandson, located in the Grageru Quarter.
How much to it offers in health as hospitals and ranks in the quarter, 66.6% had considered unsatisfied for the existence only of the Hospital Spring and the absence of health ranks having had itself that to dislocate for the Unit of Health of the Family Sinhazinha Owner in the Grageru. Excessively 33.4%, are found satisfied. In the referring question to the local urban cleanness, interviewed 100% affirm to be satisfactory the domiciliary garbage collection, however 13.4% of them detach the lack of lixeiras the edges of sidewalk being therefore one of the main causes of the finding of lixos inside of the Manguezal. I finish it item of the questionnaire mentioned offers it of leisure and tourism. 66.6% had answered to be satisfied, due to proximity of the quarter to the Shopping Gardens in which they can go the cinema, purchases, supermarket, etc.