Roman Law

Constantinopla is taken, the Roman empire falls and this phase passes. the man continues its ticket. Justiniano codifies the Roman law, Maom is born, the Mayans is dominated, appears the first harnesses and the wagons pass to be pulled by horses. In the East, powder is manufactured and the Chinese register the death of a star. The trovadorescas songs appear and Dante writes the Divine Comedy. Joana d? Arc is condemned; English and Frenchmen fight per one hundred years. then is opened the season of maritime expansion.

the time goes passing and the man continuing in its day. A man then invents something new, the press, and prints the Bible. Meanwhile Columbus arrives at America and Vasco of Gamma, finally, arrives at India. The world starts to be small Leonardo of the Vinci paints the Mona Lisa and Lutero initiates the Reformation. The world is lesser still when Ferno de Magalhes initiates the first trip of circunavegao of the Land. Between discoveries, great made and inventions, the man continues ahead The Aztecs are defeated by the Spaniard, and the same Spaniard conquer the city of Cuzcu when crowd defeating them.

when the incognito of the human spirit seems to be high to the cube, the Italians find a method to decide the algebraic equations of third degree. They date of this time the first constructions of theaters with division between palco and auditorium; much even so Rousseau comes to only say on the social inaqualities three hundred years later. Coincidence or not, the inquisition is reestablished almost at the same time where it appears the proposal of that some accounts can have as resulted a negative number. E, in the night of Is Bartolomeu, about three a thousand protestants is died. The time passes, passes, passes Cames writes the Lusadas, Galileu inaugurates the modern physics, Cervantes of to the world Dom Quixote.

Chief Editor Sven Rohde

“Second edition of ‘ ZuhauseHaus future-proof building and housing with Viebrockhaus’ released Hamburg, 01.03.2012 – information about new action homes, important home automation trends, exciting reports, interviews, portraits of client and financing tips: intrigued with this harmonious mix magazine ZuhauseHaus” the solid House manufacturer of Viebrockhaus his readers. just publish! responsible for issue planning, editing and design of the magazine three times a year with a circulation of 70,000 copies for builders. The current issue contains 28 pages and is available now in all pattern House parks and consultants by Viebrockhaus. In addition, all customers and prospects receive the magazine by mail. Nothing is more persuasive than the reality. Therefore, real builders come to Word in the ZuhauseHaus magazine.

Future builders should experience firsthand, the construction quality of Viebrockhaus is how high and how smoothly the cooperation”, explains Chief Editor Sven Rohde the substantive concept of the new customer magazine. Building trust with corporate publishing house construction is a matter of trust. And just this confidence building works particularly well with journalistically convincingly prepared client portraits, construction reports and interviews. To get large-format photos, cartoons and a clear, airy layout. Sven Rohde: The sometimes complex subjects can be with corporate publishing more credible and more give than with pure advertising. This concept has convinced also the marketing of Viebrockhaus.” “The name of the magazine is: therefore provides the ZuhauseHaus” in addition to architecture, energy technology and craft in particular the people in the foreground, which in a Viebrockhaus feel at home.

Combination of magazine and Printmarketing the ZuhauseHaus magazine dares the balancing act between informative customer magazine and sales-oriented Printmarketing. Action houses are”central element of each issue, provide a discount or special added value within the campaign period. Each of these houses is full editorial described and presented with architectural drawings, equipment information, floor plans and home tips. Issue 01/2012 are authentic testimonials in the foreground.

European Foreign

2003, p.19). What Barreto Rasp makes is to rescue through the critical one, values and questions that were if losing throughout the time. It ironiza pparently successful a republican society and starts to show to its mazelas. Policarpo Quaresma believing to be about a national instrument, dedicated – to study the violo, started to have lessons with Ricardo Heart of the Others to learn to touch modinhas, trying to rescue this culture, at the time turned reason chacotas for all the had violo to be synonymous of malandragem, however, if it disappointed when discovering that the instrument had been brought for Brazil for the Europeans, and, great amount of these foreign songs was of origin. … Comprou books, read all the publications the respect, but the disillusionment came to it to the end of some weeks of study. Almost all the traditions and songs were foreign; ….

One became, therefore, necessary to arrange some proper, original thing, a creation of our land and our airs. (BARRETO, Rasp. 2006, P. 21). As it goes to happen again itself throughout the book, all the projects give wrong, and go to the few ruindo the confidence of this irremediable sonhador. The indianismo of Policarpo Quaresma deviates if of the axle of quarrel that perfaz the way of the integration of the races, to fix itself, in the absorption of the sociocultural values of the indian – its language, its customs, in the attempt of desrecalcar them. (Pear tree, Ribeiro Elvya. 2001, P.

224) the indianismo of Quaresma is come close to the one of Alencar, who is source of its nationalistic motivation. The speeches of both were apiam in an idealistic rhetoric, even so reach sociocultural plans sufficiently different politicians. Alencar standes out the mythical figure of the indian, idealized from European models of pureness, honors and bravery to inscribe it in the literary field of the nation.