Depending on the size of the plants, these can be: Arbolesnos found with plants of woody trunk which branch off at a certain height from the ground. Usually when referring to trees, do referring to plants more than 5 meters in height. The trees have two types of growth: the Monopodico (their growth part of a vertical main stem from which grow subordinate lateral branches of this, with one lesser thickness) and the Simpodico (derived branches develop near the end of those that settle, replacing them in growth). Trees are long-lived plants, as evidenced by the various species able to live several centuries. ArbustosOtro type of plant according to your size is Bush.
Perennial woody plant, differs from the tree by its multiple roots and lower height. Normally the bushes do not exceed 3 metres in height. Shrubs do not branch off from the same trunk, but they come from the same base. It must be borne in mind that a shrub than a matas is not the same thing. Although usually confused, not same sonel plant type. An example of woody plants that are confused with shrubs are thyme, or lavender. Both are shrubs, not shrubs.
Matastambien are called subshrubs. Although this type of plants possess a woody stem equal to the bushes, its height is much lower than theirs. This type of plant does not exceed a meter in height. Last HierbasPor we find the herbs. They are smaller plants, just extending a few inches of the soil. In addition to his short size, they also have a short life. Although on the other hand, its adaptation to climate is far superior to the rest of plant have seen above, which makes sure it is much more widespread on the planet’s surface.