The issue of the magazine, what should be the vehicle technical inspection and permit movement on roads public or private with public access, pathways is of national concern; whose solution will have to deal at some point as the subject of status in the Dominican Republic. This is so, since several factors influence to maintain the status quo that affect the initiatives of President Fernandez for transparent public administration, modernize it and preserve the lives of users of waterways, the economy, health and the environment. It is not possible that in the 21st century the circulation permit through a label so that motor vehicles transiting on our streets and highways is purchased as postalita anywhere in the city and in the fields, without any rigor or control. Certification awarded to a motor vehicle must comply with a technical process, today, computerized and controlled, with a reliable computer network. The checkup of vehicles in a series data observed in right places gives the guarantee that we will have improvement in road safety. Comply with the conditions of circulation, will have a more effective monitoring in our road network. The Dominican Republic bodies responsible for issuing this document of circulation create every year a market of more than one million users, without counting with motorcycles, which not even the revision is imposed. However, 500 thousand magazines or labels, only contract which generates an induced demand that the State is not able to satisfy, among many reasons, has no marketing channels or the appropriate facilities.
As a result, opens the possibility of producing a gap for corruption in two fundamental aspects: the black market with authentic documents and a market for counterfeit documents. Mafia networks coexist at various levels of the Administration, forming structures inside and outside of it, operating with as much normalcy in the eyes of the authorities. But how much you represent economically to the State maintain this situation? Firstly, would have to clear this question in several parts, in a direct way in regards to marketing; niche exposed to corruption is therefore more than RD$ 300 million pesos a year, without addressing costs for damage to life and properties with accidents to authorize the State transit of vehicles which do not comply with the conditions. There is also a political cost, frankly perceptible by the population, with the maintenance of the disorder, lack of control and lack of transparency in the handling of public things. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority AMET – is the overseeing body of the transit and drivers, periodically performs coercion in this regard to drivers who do not carry the document, which in turn leads to growth in demand for the label. Situation that more expensive product. But in its origin, the problem is caused not having a concessionary policy to give to the fret with the irregularity, already well identified in its causes and its effects on many countries.
European Nations are rigorous in this sense, so much that the United Nations has technical agencies to discuss the issue. The countries of Latin America and the Caribbean at its peaks begin to claim special attention and universality in this aspect. Understand this phenomenon is important for the authorities, since there are fundamental commitments for the development of Dominican society. The Kyoto Treaty, the achievements of the development of the Millennium goals and the Declaration that will be issued at the XVIII Summit of Presidents in El Salvador at the end of next October, are basic tools to understand all this.