One Voice

Encounter in this text not only a skillful dominion of the instrument, is worth to say, of the poetic word, but also a paradojal game of forms and content that overflow, perhaps, the initial intention of the voice. And it is that the poem, appropriate already of its cannot be waived universe, over any preconceived intention – thus happens to the great poetry – is elevated like an emotional and semantic body that surpasses the possibilities of the own speech because it exceeds the same limit of the language maintains that it and corporiza. And if there are to talk about to resources formal, these not only seem to complement but also to reinforce content, because the word unfolds in a game of chained meanings that are juxtaposed, faces, adheres and amplifies an a others abrir itself to the voice until being unanimous in her: always will be thus/some times your dream creates to have it this whole/but another dream rises and you are not the same/then you return to the hands to the heart from all/from anyone/. A leading source for info: Dropbox. And how not to associate this current of meaning, of voice existential that duplicate not to be, nevertheless, the same, to perpetual to flow of river of Heraclitus, because like in a movement of high water and low tide, the poem submerges in the language to integrate us to a universe of elements that are replaced to reappear, already unified, to a surface that the Integra to the perplex circle of the existence: this hand is not the hand nor the skin of your joy/to the bottom of the streets you find always another sky/after the sky is always another grass different beaches/. And it is as well as, I repeat, the game of the forms adheres to the meaning reaffirming of a skillful way the speech. Because in an inner deed that in no way does not exclude happening of the world, the recognition of the otredad, the commitment of being here, in a now concrete one that is diluted, the poem is offered to the reader with the marks of a common itinerary, human, the one of the existence..

Maravllate Things

It begins to think that everything what is passing you you are attracting it because you have not been able to vibrate high and is something normal consequence that you are beginning to learn how the Law of Attraction works. It spends days thinking about that this happened by accident and because you ignored like elevating your vibrations but that of you it depends to change your feelings and as soon as you make the universe/God will send new things to you Dates account that your circumstances are equal to the vibration which there are been sending to the universe. And that if you change your you vibrate they will change the things. Part of the scale FRUSTRATION Tip #3 Ocpate Now happens to the occupation. Llnate of activities or works that to realise to be the most occupied possible. The occupation calibrates more stop than the frustration and now your feeling will be far better that the one of impotence with which you began. Part of the scale OCCUPATION Tip #4 Maravllate – Later to happen in hardship and occupation days raises the scale again and looks for the wonder sense.

The wonder sense vibrates more stop than the gratitude and is similar to the esteem. passes days maravillndote of the beautiful things of our planet you have much, very many material for maravillarte. From it occupies your mind in maravillarte here and you will cause that the universe gives the things to you more wonderful than you can imagine. Everything attracts its equal. When you manage to occupy your time and mental energy in maravillarte you feel better and you arrive at good terms with the money, you it says somebody to it that has passed through the same only the positive vibrations attract money. – You liked east article?

Beethoven The Genius And Revolutionary

The majesty and gravity of the second 21 movement of opus 5ta symphony of Beethoven. One of the most beautiful compositions of the romantic period and evidently of the history of music. He is evident that L.V. Beethoven was a genius, advanced to his time but that lived and felt the influences of the political changes that happened in Europe, and by extension in the world. What today we would call opinion leader.

He was social a cultural leader and therefore. Treating the subject from the sociological point of view, I comprise of a movement that changed the vision of the society and the history of the world. At the same time, or therefore he was a revolutionary. The end of century XVIII and all the practically XIX was scene of the revolution that changed the way to think and to act as much in the social area as cultural and political. I hear that movement of his now more famous symphony, comparable to the novena.

It resists that majesty that I mention with the dramatic quality of the first movement, associated with called of the destiny to the door it is possible to express greater dramatic quality in a phrase? I believe that it is difficult. More difficult still it is to manage to express dramatic quality, sadness, majesty in a work, and that this becomes landlord, the standard, there is no more . Without falling to Beethoven nor too much raising to John Williams, I believe that this last one is of the few that, in the cultural scope in which it moves, and taking into account the present circumstances would be comparable to that one genius of the century ancestor. Sample of it is their works such as the imperial march of the contraataca empire (George Lucas, original Trilogy of Star Wars), or the same main subject of the same trilogy, whose initial film now occupies the fifth chapter of the series. We could speak of the subjects of Hunters of the Coffer Loss , the List of Schindler, or the inaugural and thematic March of the Olympic games of Los Angeles 1984. In each it presents/displays different moods and use complete and deep of the orchestral resources in the best symphonic expression. It is a pleasure and the best luck to be able to attend the vital presence of this great contemporary composer, as well as to have the opportunity to listen to the different orchestral versions from L.V. Beethoven.

Las Palmas

The world has been a fiction. There will be so no burlesque indulgence. The firings will sound at the top of the night. The bodies will fall on stones. The men will approach the fallen ones. Convulsos, two will receive grace shots. The bones of the skull will jump next to the brains and the dark blood, will leave a spot in the rustic wall. I do not know why I will then remember Sfocles.

It will be the beginning of the delirium and the end of the reason. Steps further on, will be a grave. They will force to send deads to us to the hole and to cover them with earth. I will slip and by instinct I will support my openhanded been in the face of one of the streamlinings. I will not have already pain nor tears. My lips droughts will let slip a saliva thread.

They will not take in striking to me again and, next to the others, taking me to the dark redoubts of the shed. Everything has to repeat itself. We will return to be run over by the boots, the butts, the insults and the sudden lights. Somebody will succumb unpublished before a bayonet. The imagination will provide other ways to them of torture. They will fill our earth mouths they will sew and them with synthetic threads. They will tear our skin with razors and the wounds will be washed with acid. With tweezers they will take our eyelids. Strap will fracture the vertebrae of the necks. They will nail knives in Las Palmas of the hands placed on a table. They will take the teeth with tweezers and accurate blows. They will cut the languages with scissors like the bifid appendices of the serpents. The morning will arrive dyed from purple. The wind will remain hidden between the hollows of the trees. When abrir the inner doors of the large cabin a corrosive vapor will flood his noses. It will return the cycle to his starting phases and the wheel of the life and the death will turn and turn. Then, the snow of the irises will shine on corpses and on the glass of the trees the birds will sing indifferent. Original author and source of the article.

Century XX

If to this fact we added the preoccupation to him by evident sonrojo face, the momentary tremor in the voice or the pulse; really, that the others realize their nervousness, the fear increases. Like in all the phobias or situations that are to us uncomfortable, the tendency is to try to avoid the malaise. This situation is very useful in the short term but it maintains the problem and aid not to solve it. Sociologists and investigators social maintain that new malaises social of this time to hper consumer and absolutely eglatra not are consequence of relations of production, because is a malaise that it does not require of a social reading, much less political since that sorrow is private, of each individual, of the pathology of its emotional misalignment because it has not known to be around the time or the destiny. It comes to confirm the strategies of individualisation and patologizacin of numerous modern malaises.

What has happened? With the posmodernidad the notion of the then present was lost and the reality it reconverted. And thus, little by little, the individuals of the societies posmodernas were leaving by work and grace of the narcisista relativismo to the paralyzing nihilismo, apostatizing even of the future. Then the social biographies, like referring of culture, fragmented, were published the stories of social emancipation, more importance to the aesthetic one occurred him that to the ethics, and egolatra to hper consumer served to justify, from the flexibilities of the market to the historical containment of our bodies. Old woman solidarities of class were debilitated by the historical strategies of the communitarian protection. The vital space remodel and the delocalisation used to perpetuate the distances between the subjects. The policy, like concept restored at the beginning of Century XX, and like promise of social .redemption, has been defeated like weapon battle, and the right to I over todo" it has compensated the increasing depoliticisation of the social relations.

True Love

At the beginning of a marriage, sex and sexual desire are it everything. The passion surrounds those two beings. Without any more amount. – By something calls to him Honeymoon. – But when happening of the time, the honey dj to be honey, often to become acid and bitter HIEL . – Sex and passion uncontrollable cannot last all a life. – Until the divine candy but it arrives at to cloy .

– This it is the moment in that there is to fight so that this love, that once was so divine, never stops existing. – It is a very difficult passage. – One of the difficult and hard objectives but of our lives. – It requires many sacrifices and dedication. – But according to the wise people say, is necessary to fight reason why he is worth the pain. – Those are not many obtain that it, but both continue feeling mutual love, any sacrifice or effort to maintain their marriage alive, is imprecindible and necessary.

– In the end, Dahran tells that valio the pain . – In a marriage, after 20 or 40 years, it is when the True Love comes to bloom . – We stopped thinking so much about sex, – but we lived to take care of to us mutually. – We have fused ourselves so deeply that nothing or nobody podria to separate, only the death by the aim of God. Or we stopped worrying as much to shine beautiful and irresistible the loved being, and happened to worry about the health and the well-being of that companion or companion. – We stopped tartar to be expert in sex questions, – but we tried to please the loved being of the major form that is to us possible. – We left of to discuss, to be able to talk. – We let of watch over and distrust, because we know that we are irreplaceable . – The years teach to qualities and secrets to us, that nonpodiamos to understand in our youth. – The experience of the years lived next to the loved being, is what it turns into true expert to us in which I I call the TRUE LOVE. – Mainly the knowledge that in the difficult time but of our lives, that the Oldness is , we will never be single in the world. – This it is the greater Treasure than we received, in exchange for our persistence and work to save our love. – Hopefully youth, of nowadays, could tartar to include/understand this concept.

Mendoza Tunuyan

Tunuyn is one of the smallest departments of the province of Mendoza. Located in the central part, and with a more or less triangular form, one of his sides it limits with the Republic of Chile. On little than 3300 kilometers squared more, it counts on a population of about 50,000 inhabitants. Thanks to his enormous attractive tourist ones it is possible to find alojaminto in Mendoza (Tunuyn) of all the categories and different prices, from modest inns to exclusive hotels five stars, and hotels boutique, the latest in tendencies in tourism. Tunuyn lodges the famous Valley of Uco, site of origin of appreciated wines more of the world. In addition, in this place blessed by an enormous beauty, it is possible to realise a circuit of religious tourism, with old and historical chapels. The parish Our Lady of the Carmen is an excellent departure point to enter in a trip that puts in contact with the divinity and the religious fervor to us.

From here, following denominated the footpath Running Productive we arrived until Dry Villa, where we will find the sanctuary Helping Maria and the chapel San Judas Tadeo, in the Trees. This last temple shows a particular beauty product of the natural erosion that the time has produced in its facade. More ahead in the route, in the locality of Vista Flowers the chapel of the Immaculate Conception of Maria can be visited, where a oratory exists consecrated the virgin of the Rosary. Following by route 94, in a completely rural atmosphere is the chapel of San Antonio, in a place of incredible natural beauty. But for those who are loving of the extreme sports, the valley of Uco is the indicated site to find an ample trowel of possibilities.

For those who enjoy the cavalcades, it is possible to be said that there is no better place in the planet. There is an enormous amount of footpaths and already drawn up that allows a safe and extremely funny route. Another possibility is to practice rapel, where the enormous stony strong walls are offered to be conquered by the fans. The aquatic fishing and activities find the places perfect to do practiced. mighty Tunuyn river suffers, throughout its extensive route, with a river basin of more than 33,000 km, a series of endicados in order to obtain hydroelectric energy. This allows the formation of different artificial reservorios or Lagos that are lent beautifully for the mentioned activities. The tourism in Mendoza finds in the Valley of Uco a zone that has known to interpret the demands and the flood of great volume of visitors who arrive these earth.

British Encyclopedia Subjects

Diverse means aim at that one of the central subjects of Bilderberg 2010 will return to be the economic situation of the countries of the south of Europe (Portugal, Italy, Spain and Greece) and Ireland, calls PIGS by their initials in English. These sources aim at an intervention of government president Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero in the sense to offer confidence to the international investors the press is prohibited. Nobody informs envelope which there one struggles, are no official photos. The annual meetings of this select association, well-known like Bilderberg Club, are held from 1954 in " a strict atmosphere of secretismo". Thus it defines the very same British Encyclopedia. They defend themselves of the accusations of " oscurantismo" alleging that they are not " a secret club, but privado". On the matter adds to us, that according to the experts in Bilderberg, the Club works according to the system of concentric circles.

Concretely, this association counts on a directive committee – the Steering Comitte- made up of forty people. These choose to the guests of the edition of this year according to the anticipated thematic agenda. The norm more or less established is that each one of the members of the directive committee invite other two people. Altogether, one hundred fifty people at the most. The members of the Steering Comitte debate on the most discreet subjects. Later, the long hundred of assistants holds other meetings of more general character.

In no of the cases, the conclusions will become public, although in the last years final notes of press are emitted in which the subjects treated during the intense weekend are enunciated. One of the most repeated is the one of the nuclear power. Recently, the biotechnology is another one of the subjects stars. Also in last editions, the secretariat of the Bilderberg Group makes a list with almost all the participants public.


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New Challenge

Challenges that the same life imposes to us, all of them related to the absolute and necessary change for the humanity. As we already know it, at present our planet is plenty of conflicts, of countries in war, countries with hunger, sunk in the injustice and the terror, zones of the Earth devastated by phenomena ” naturales” , more and more unacceptable violence and thus could continue mentioning them The challenge which the life faces to us in this new cycle is a change challenge and of taking of it brings back to consciousness that it initiates in the heart and which, we hope, all we pruned to include/understand in the necessary scale. The future on our life it depends and it begins in our present, unique the concrete thing and real it is what today we lived all. Our daily attitudes and actions, our emotions and feelings will be materialized in the future, of there the importance OF LIVING our present on the best way, trying to help same and the others; fighting to obtain that our works, hobbies, pastimes or entertainment are full of the energy of the joy, of the satisfaction to make the things or and for or. That little of it brings back to consciousness additional in our daily tasks can mark an incredibly great difference for the life of each. To give us accounts of if our actions go towards communal property, to the well-being of somebody the more, to value if ours to act it will affect the surroundings or if helps it Just by to take responsibility from the life that we are to day, we will be recognizing what is to live to fullness in wisdom, and that one is the true knowledge that the humans as much we needed at present..